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CT Scan imaging.
Also called CT, CT scan and CAT scan is an X-ray technique that produces more detailed images of your internal organs than do conventional X-ray exams. X-rays are a form of energy radiation.
Conventional X-ray exams produce two-dimensional images. But CT uses an X-ray-sensing unit, which rotates around your body, and a large computer to create cross-sectional images (like slices in a loaf of bread) of the inside of your body. A CT scan reveals bones and organs as well as your pancreas, adrenal glands, ureters and blood vessels, all with a higher degree of precision than an X-ray. CT is a noninvasive way to view your internal organs and tissues.
What to expect.
The test itself is completely painless. You will be asked to lie quietly on the CT scanner’s “patient couch” during the study. Depending on the type of study being done, you may be injected with an I.V. contrast material during the exam. This may make you feel warm during the injection. This is a normal feeling.
Because contrast agents contain iodine, which causes an allergic reaction in some individuals, be sure to tell the technologist, nurse or radiologist if you have had an allergic reaction to these agents before, or if you have any other allergies. We use nonionic contrast exclusively which is less risk to the patients.
How to prepare for your CT scan.

Prior To Exam
You may be required to pick up Oral contrast material ahead of time. Detailed instructions given if necessary.
Before Arriving
You may be asked to refrain from eating or drinking for 3 hours before the exam.
When You Arrive
You will be asked to change into a gown or scrubs for most procedures.
During The Exam
The length of your exam varies but most procedures take no longer than 20-30 minutes.
You will be asked to change into a gown or scrubs for most procedures. You may be asked to remove hairpins, jewelry, eyeglasses, hearing aids and any removable dental work that could obscure the images. You also may be asked to refrain from eating or drinking anything for 3 hours before the exam.
Depending on the exam ordered by your doctor, you may be required to pick up Oral contrast material ahead of time. You will be given detailed instructions at that time on how to take the oral contrast. Women should always inform their doctor or technologist if there is any possibility that they are pregnant.
The length of your exam depends on what type of test your doctor has ordered for you. Most procedures take no longer than 20-30 minutes.
Most patients are able to return to normal activities immediately following the scan. If you receive the I.V. contrast material, you should drink plenty of fluids the next few days.
At FCDI, our radiologists will interpret your images within 24-48 hours. The results will be sent to your referring doctor and you may obtain your results from your doctor.
CT Scans can be up to 100 times more sensitive than regular X-RAYS
CT is a quick and pain free procedure
Women should always inform their doctor if there is any possibility that they are pregnant
During a procedure, a patient is exposed to radiation that may pose a risk to a fetus
The required dose of radiation is well within safety limits
The value of information gathered during a CT scan far outweighs the risk
Imaging services.
High-Field Wide Bore MRI
One of the safest, most comfortable imaging techniques available.
X-ray is a simple, painless medical test that can help your doctor provide you with appropriate treatment.
Offering Low Dose lung screenings if you have an order from your physician.